Dr. Monroe CBD Emporium USA

MMPs, aka Matrix Metalloproteinases, are critical mediators of tissue degradation and repair in
virtually all human pathologies . . .

and they also help “regulate cell behavior through finely tuned and tightly controlled proteolytic processing of a largevariety of signaling molecules that can also have beneficial effects in disease resolution,”

But when they are out of balance, whether due to disease or chronic inflammation, they can do exceptional, and occasionally, irreversible damage. That is Big Deal #1.

MMPs normally stand-by, like emergency responders waiting for that flashing red inflammatory signal that will call them to battle with an overwhelmingly massive response. All to the good in a real red-light, all-hands-on-deck emergency, not so good in homeostatic peacetimes or when a low-grade yellow-light chronic inflammatory condition beckons them into low-grade, health-undermining activities. Then they can make matters much, much worse instead of better as they are designed to do. Chronic inflammation can do a great deal of damage over time. Big Deal #2

Big Deal #3 is that are not many options if MMPs explode out of control. There have been many, many failed attempts at finding a safe, effective inhibitor that works on a broad spectrum of MMPs. There is only 1 known drug that has had some success, the antibiotic Doxycycline 2 (and many other references), but it often comes with such unpleasant side effects, that many, if not most, give up treatment before it can produce the desired outcome vis a vis MMPs.

Big Deal #4. While there are some plant extracts that do have some positive effects, so few MMPs are affected thatthey don’t have any appreciable benefit in most pathologies, and consequently don’t show any positive efficacy in real life outside of the lab or a test tube.

Until ‘K’ Channel. And that is Big Deal #5.

MMPs are critical to life, to the normal operation of our bodies. You can’t just shut them down. The trick is to control excessive expression temporarily, while allowing their normal regulation to take care of our body’s normal business.

Our ‘K’ Channel is effective because it consists of normal everyday ingredients of our everyday diet, uniquely formulated to work at the point of application, not systemically, and then get out of the way. Providing a unique mechanism to block the damaging effects without interfering with the necessary effects. That is BIG DEAL #6 .

And did I say it was safe ? (BIG DEAL #7)

1. Matrix metalloproteinases: What do they not do? New substrates and biological roles identified by murine models and proteomics
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular Cell Research
Volume 1803, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 39-54
David Rodríguez , et al

2. The Role of Doxycycline as a Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitor for the Treatment of Chronic Wounds
Biol Res Nurs. 2010 Apr;11(4):336-44.
Joyce Stechmiller, Linda Cowan, and Gregory Schultz,

Fig 8.1. MMPs involved in Arthritis

Figure 8.1 graphically shows the potential damage that can be caused by MMPs in arthritis and shows the wide number of MMPs found to be involved per a published European research study of the two main types of arthritis. This is why controlling just a few MMPs won’t work. They also found that controlling the MMPs had the potential to significantly reduce Arthritis’ damage.

Figure 8.2 graphically explains the damaging self-reinforcing loop that can be associated with MMPs. So, although joint pain is the most obvious feature of arthritis, it is the unseen ongoing damage to cartilage, joints, and bones that is perhaps more important, and definitely more crippling over the long haul.

Fig. 8.2 MMPs induced by inflammation involved in a self-reinforcing loop that will degrade cartilage, joints, and bone if not controlled.

And one of the often-overlooked aspects in treating arthritis, is that while steroids are often effectively used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation, they actually increase MMPs themselves. So relieving pain with steroids can actually increase the long-term damage.

Unfortunately, in medicine there are few pure solutions. It is most often a choice of lesser evils.

As Fig. 8.3 suggests, the same can happen with nerve damage, whether neuropathy or more specific nerve degenerating conditions. MMPs are involved in degrading the sheath that coats and protects the nerve, much like the insulation covering on electric wires.

Fig. 8.3 MMP mediated degradation of the Myelin Sheath covering a nerve.

Once the coating is removed or damaged, like an electric wire, the nerves can short-circuit, which we can feel either as pain or numbness. And fortunately for us, in many cases, the Myelin Sheath can regenerate. But unfortunately, in some cases it can’t, and the nerve will ultimately die.

Figure 8.4 shows results from some MMP clinical research at my previous company with that Earlier Version of ‘K’ Channel that had obtained CE approval. It shows actual wound tissue biopsies stained for MMPs before treatment (seen as red- high levels of MMPs) and after treatment (no MMPs present.) The wound was chronic and had remained open for over a year ( one of our research requirements. We asked Doctors for their worst cases, where wounds failed to respond to at least two types of treatment. ) Our hypothesis was that the high levels of MMPs prevented the wound from healing. Once we reduced the levels of MMPs, the wound progressed to full closure, supporting our thesis.

Again, to be clear, this was In Europe, with a CE approved product, and NOT our current ‘K’ Channel ingredients, for which we make no claim and for which we would need approval to make any claim. But facts are facts. Uncontrolled MMPs are damaging and controlling those MMPs reduces that damage and helps our body repair itself.

Fig. 8.4. Photomicrographs of wound tissue biopsies stained for MMPs before and after treatment from European wound studies with the CE approved progenitor of ‘K’ Channel.

So, when you have pain, you have inflammation. And when you have inflammation, you will have increased levels of MMPs. And when you have increased levels of MMPs, you will have tissue being degraded. A good thing if it is part of the repair process resulting from trauma, bumps, or just sore muscles from over-exercising. That’s what MMPs are supposed to do.

A bad thing if they are damaging good tissue, gnawing healthy joints, or eroding solid bones. MMPs don’t know. They don’t care. They just chew.

That’s just what they do, in every day life, and in pathologies. So, if you had a safe, effective, side-effect free way to block the excessive damage in pathologies . . . That would be a good thing.

But, what does this have to do with CBD, you may ask.

Nothing for other CBD suppliers . . .

Everything for me, and for us at Dr. Monroe’s.

And everything for you,
( . . . if you have chronically inflamed tissues, joints, or nerves that leave you seeking pain relief.
If you do, you have MMPs hard at work.)

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