My story?
Seizures, depression, anxiety, sleep, chronic back pain, and Complex PTSD; this is about half of what I live with, in the world of being diagnosed by things. I have tried so many different products and all sorts of medications; without relief! Once, my dear mother and I were in search of CBD as we had heard good things from 2 different pain clinics. Incoming Dr. Monroes Tincture, 6000mg CBD! I prefer the orange flavor, but they have vanilla cherry, too! It was this orange dream for me when I first tried it, it helped my anxiety and back pain as well, right at the moment. I was stunned! Now I take 1 dropper each morning to combat my Seizures, depression, anxiety, sleep, chronic back pain, and Complex PTSD. I haven’t had a full-on seizure in almost a year now!! My Complex PTSD has become much more manageable and the rest of the diagnoses I shared have all improved as well. Now I live in a world where I can function and all thanks to Dr. Monroe and the 6000mg CBD. They have other products too, but for me, the gummies loaded with CBD and the 6000mg CBD are all I need for now. Thanks so much, you have literally changed my life!!